Saturday, September 18, 2010

Talents and How to Use Them Part 2


     “Of all the words of tongue and pin…” We have a lot of them. We have hundreds of ways to communicate these days. With the rise of blogs, magazines, books, sermons, podcasts, internet, e-mail, Facebook, and TV we have literally hundreds of ways to talk to people.

       Sadly though, very little of all that is on the internet and in books is whole some and good. We struggle to find good things to read and listen to. We have more to read than ever before, but less good things to read.

       That’s were good writers are needed. We have many Christian publicans that need good articles and stories. You can write on any subject that you are passionate about and share it with others. You can share your thoughts and dreams with others and share what God has been showing you.

    Or start a blog where you can share you spiritual journey. Blogs are an easy and fun way to make friends, share your thoughts, and keep a journal of sorts.

    There are numerous ways that you can use your talent for writing. Just look around and find some places to use it.

     Here are a few magazines that need writers. They don’t pay, but you can encourage people. That yields its own rewards.

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