Thursday, November 19, 2015

The End Of Me: Audio Review

I received this book courtesy of Christian Audio

Narrator Thoughts: This Narrator was very good. He was clear and calm. A good listen. While he doesn't have the same passion in his voice as some narrators I've listened to, I thought he did a good job of reading the book. 

Book Thoughts: Once again, Kyle challenged me in my faith. I think this book, more then any of his others challenged me. 

Coming to the end of me has never been easy, but I can agree with him and say that when I come to the end of me, that is when Jesus' power can begin. It reminded me of the good that comes from coming to the end. 

By following in His footsteps we die to ourselves and our way of doing things. The chapter on humility especially hit home. It challenged my pride and reminded me of what I needed to be doing. 

This is definitely a worthwhile listen.

You can buy this on Christian Audio, Amazon, or

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