Friday, April 29, 2011

The Silent Comforter

You don’t have to know all the right words
You don’t have to memorize all the right verses
You don’t even need to read a book
All you need to be a good comforter is to listen
A good comforter has a touch that says, “You’re not alone”
A good comforter hugs that assures you the storm will not be forever.
A good comforter loves always.


  1. Beautiful! :) I have met some older ladies who would fit this description...what a blessing they have been in my life, and I only pray that God would continue to help me to be more concerned for other's and more aware of times when they need comfort and love.

    Have a wonderful day Rose! :D
    Love and Hugs!

  2. Thank you Rachel! You are sweet!
