Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Idea

I've added a new idea on my Idea Page.
You want to make a prayer shawl? Check it out!


  1. Those are some great idea's Rose! :D I love to give out birthday gifts as well, it really makes people feel loved and cared for! :)

    Wow! How many ladies did you make all those prayers shawls for?! That is really showing love my dear...what a sweet and special gift to them! :D It must have taken you quite some time (and money) to make them all! :) I love shawls, they are so special and remind me of the pioneer days! ;) It's like having a hug wrapped around you on a chilly day. :)

    Thank you for all the tips and idea's! :)

    Blessings my dear!

  2. I love that idea!! I love to make shawls... I do a triangle-like shape. Its easy enough and very stylish! Thank you for the idea!

  3. I made about ten prayer shawls and my sister Sarah made five.
    I was fun.
