When residents of a community
Welcome new neighbors to that community,
Volunteer for projects – school, hospital, and church,
Offer positive suggestions for the local government,
Take pride in the neighborhood,
Visit and assist the elderly residents in the area,
Practice goodwill and courtesy in daily situations,
Suppress rumors and negative talk,
Run for an elected position in local government,
Apologize if wrong and forgive when wronged,
Include individuals usually omitted from events,
Rejoice at the successes and triumphs of neighbors,
Work to improve educational and cultural facilities,
Thank those who serve in any capacity,
Are charitable in thought, word, and action,
Bring joy where there is sadness,
Act as benefactors, as enablers, as encouragers,
Elevate religion and trust in God,
Are the kind of neighbors that Jesus Christ would be,
Those residents emulate courage in a community.
A Book Of Courage
Revell Publishing company